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Free Exam: 2014 - 2015 7th Grade SLO

Number of Questions in Test: 5

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Question 1
Watch the following video, "CNN: Most Bottled Water is Tap." After watching the video, complete the first task: Response to "CNN: Most Bottle Water is Tap."

[url=https://drive.google.com/a/rvbears.org/?usp=gmail#folders/0B_9SlClg6W-JbDdPYUZkZ3FSMlk]CNN: Most Bottled Water is Tap[/url]

[b]Response to "CNN: Most Bottled Water is Tap"[/b]

This video informs us about bottled water. Determine one or two central ideas about bottled water and tap water from this video, and explain and analyze how key details and information in the video support those ideas.  Be sure to record important quotes accurately, for use in your persuasive essay.

What is the central idea about bottled water in this video? What examples or specific evidence does the video give to explain or support this?

Type: Essay
Points: 5
Randomize answers: No
Question 2
You are going to read an article titled: Bottled Water Quality found in From The World's Water, The Pacific Institute, 2004. Use the link below to access this article.

[url=http://readingandwritingproject.com/public/themes/rwproject/resources/assessments/performance/2011-2012/7th%20Grade%20Performance%20Assessments//Bottled_Water_Quality1.pdf][u]Bottled Water Quality[/u][/url]

[b]Summary of "Bottled Water Quality"[/b]

Write to summarize two or more central ideas in this article.  Write to explain or analyze how the central ideas in this article are developed, including key details that support these ideas.  Don't forget, when you see important information that you think will support your claim about whether or to support tap or bottled water, make note of them so that you can cite the information accurately when you write your essay.
Type: Essay
Points: 0
Randomize answers: No
Question 3
You are going to read an article titled, City Council Shuns Bottles in Favor of Water From Tap by Jennifer Lee. Use the link below to access this article.

[url=http://readingandwritingproject.com/public/themes/rwproject/resources/assessments/performance/2011-2012/7th%20Grade%20Performance%20Assessments//New_York_City_Council_Bans_Bottled_Water1.pdf][u]City Council Shuns Bottles in Favor of Water From Tap[/u] By JENNIFER 8. LEE[/url]

[b]Summary of "City Council Shuns Bottles in Favor of Water From Tap"[/b]

Now you have found out more about the topic of bottled water versus tap water.  Write about two or more central ideas in this article, and write to explain or analyze how the details in this article help develop the central ideas.  Remember, you'll be writing an argument in which you make a claim about bottled versus tap water in schools, so be sure to capture any evidence you may use later, and to quote accurately.
Type: Essay
Points: 0
Randomize answers: No
Question 4
You are going to read an article titled, Water and You: How Dangerous is Your Tap Water? Published by Aquasana. Use the link below to access this article.

[url=http://www.mendota289.org/vimages/shared/vnews/stories/4e55466221c17/7th%20Grade%20Water_and_You1.pdf][u]Water and You: How Dangerous is Your Tap Water?[/u][/url]

[b]Summary of "Water and You"[/b]

Write to summarize one or two central ideas in this article.  Write to explain or analyze how the central ideas in this article are developed, including key details that support these ideas.  Don't forget, when you see important information that you think will support your claim about whether or to support tap or bottled water, make note of them so that you can cite the information accurately when you write your essay.
Type: Essay
Points: 0
Randomize answers: No
Question 5
[b]Argument essay: Should our school ban bottled water or not?[/b]

Your task is to write an argumentative essay taking a position in support of bottled versus tap water in schools. You need to clearly state a claim supporting bottled water or tap water in schools, and then support that claim with evidence from the texts read and video watched.

Be sure to:

 Quickly plan how your argument will go: how your reasons and evidence will be grouped and organized and how you'll acknowledge the opposing claim.

 Introduce a claim and acknowledge the opposing claim.

 Support the claim by referring to and accurately citing relevant sources.

 Use words, phrases, and clauses to provide clear transitions and connections between ideas and evidence.

 Establish and maintain a formal style.

Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports your argument.
Type: Essay
Points: 25
Randomize answers: No
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