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Free Exam: Reading and Comprehension 2

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Question 1
When buying someone a gift, it important to consider that person's hobbies, preferences, and needs. Getting someone something he or she really wants or needs will mean much more to him or her and will be remembered. It is worth mentioning that, perhaps, this method will encourage that same person to get you something you truly want instead of the same package of socks at Christmas time.

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Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 2
It is important to choose wisely and carefully when buying a cordless drill. There are so many varieties out there and different levels of quality. While searching for a low price is always a good idea, quality must be the priority or a cheap inadequate tool might fail and make the consumer spend more when he/she has to buy the good quality tool after the first purchase. Some things to consider when buying a cordless drill are: the reputation of the company that made the tool, the voltage of the tool, expected or tested lifespan and whether it comes with a comprehensive warranty or not.

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Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 3
Refinishing furniture can be very rewarding. After the old paint or stain is stripped away and/or sanded off and a new coat of paint or stain is applied, a dramatic difference is often immediately apparent. If the hardware on the piece of furniture is old and ugly, new hardware can make a big difference in the look of the piece. These two things, alone, can result in a unique, new-looking piece of furniture instead of a shabby, old, dinged-up piece.

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Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 4
Double-checking the alarm on your alarm clock can save you a lot of money and heartache. I don't know how many times I have failed to wake up on time due to an alarm that was set for the wrong, wake-up time. I recommend using two alarm clocks set a minute apart and checking them both twice just before you go to bed. That way, one can be relatively sure that he or she will wake up at the proper time.

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Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 5
Providing the perfect environment for your plants to grow in can be a complex task. Each kind of plant has its own specific requirements. For example, each needs different light levels to grow properly, different soil mediums, different nutrients, different levels of acidity or alkalinity, and different water requirements. In addition, insects and/or other pests are often of great concern.

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Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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