Online Test Access & restrictions

You can choose to allow anyone access to your Tests, or use multiple access restriction options to keep your exams and questions secure and private.


When can Tests be taken!

Availability determines if and when, a user will be able to access the Test. Select to have the Test as 'available', 'unavailable' and set a start date/time and end date/time. These settings can be turned on/off as required.


  1. Available:
    • Test will always be available
  2. Unavailable:
    • Test will not be available. Users would receive a message that the Test is not available and they would have no access
  3. Date & Time:
    • Select a Start date/time and an End date/time. Users will only be able to access the Test between the selected times
    • If a timer is set and users enter the Test within the allocated times, they will have the full time limit available
    • The Dates/Times will reflect your time zone. You can change this if needed, on your My Accounts page > My Details


  1. Setting dates/times will allow you to easily track who is taking their Tests when required
  2. Users take their Tests promptly, having them stick to their course time table
  3. Great for 'new hire' testing - only make the Tests available within the allocated job opening time and then close it until needed again

Used With: Groups and Links


Allow retakes!

Attempts are used to set the number of times a user can take the Test.


  1. One:
    • Select to allow only one attempt
    • Allow additional attempts for all users by changing the number of attempts allowed under 'Multiple'
    • With using Links, this will limit the attempts to one time, allowed over a 24 hour period, per device using cookies
  2. Multiple:
    • Specify the number of multiple attempts allowed. This can be 2 or higher.
    • With using Links, this will limit the specified number of attempts, allowed over a 24 hour period, per device using cookies
  3. Unlimited:
    • Select to allow unlimited attempts per each user


  1. Restricts users from taking unauthorized attempts
  2. Can help to prevent cheating by not allowing excessive attempts for users to go in and copy questions and answers

Used With: Groups and Links

Access Restrictions

Define who can access your exams!

Restriction settings are used to restrict access to a Test. This ensures the Test is only being taken by those who you want taking the Test. Select common passwords for all or access lists to provide unique codes to each individual.


  1. Password:
    • Allows you to set a common password that all users enter to access the Test
    • Optional setting
  2. Access List:
    • Allows you to create unique access codes. This ensures that only those who have access codes will be able to access the test
    • Provide one access code per each user
    • Ensures the absolute number of attempts set
    • Optional setting


  1. Restricts access to only those who should be taking the Test
  2. Setting an access list, along with limited attempts ensures a user cannot access the test more than what they are allowed on any device or network
  3. Access lists prevent users from sharing the Test with others, who do not have an access code

Used With: Links


Charge for exam attempts

ClassMarker provides you with the option to sell your Tests and receive payments instantly!


  1. Price:
    • Enter a price to charge for Test
    • When selecting the currency you are accepting payment in, ensure that your account accepts payment in that currency
  2. Tax Details:
    • Use this field if you are required to include Tax information
    • Tax should be included in the price of the Test
    • Tax will display with the price and in the .pdf receipts, if giving a receipt
  3. Expires After:
    • Allows you to set an expiry date for how many days the Test will be available from when they pay for the Test
    • If you do not want an expiry date, you would leave this field blank
  4. PayPal Email:
    • Select the PayPal email address that the payments will go to
    • PayPal email must be verified and either a Business or Premier account. If not verified or the right type of account, payments will not be receive and Tests cannot be taken.
    • To select the PayPal email address, add this email via the Assistants page.
  5. Custom Payment Instructions:
    • Add any specific payment instructions you have
    • Will display when users go to the test Link and see the price
  6. Organization Address and Contact Information:
    • Add company details and contact information that will display on receipt
    • Display Address and Contact information on price page - check this box if you want to display these details on the Pricing page as well
  7. Purchase Receipts:
    • Allows Test-takers to receive a receipt for the Test purchased. Check the box “Allow Test takers to Download a receipt.”
    • Description box allows you to add a customized description of what the user is purchasing
    • Can customize receipts with uploading a logo that will display on receipt
    • Can choose to provide receipts automatically or you can send these from within your account at anytime
  8. Learn How Charging For Tests Work:
    • Provides detailed information on selling your Tests. This includes details on the steps a Test taker goes through in order to purchase a Test, troubleshooting tips, receiving payments, restrictions, credit usage & fees.


  1. Paid instantly
  2. Saves time from setting up a separate payment option for users.
  3. Customizable to your own branding and details.
  4. ClassMarker system keeps track of attempts set so you do not have to.
  5. Automated - set it and forget it.
  6. Track all payments by exporting this, from your Results page.

Used With: Links


Advanced options

Advanced options are used for switching the language that the Test taker interface is in, along with selecting to send User IDs from your system to ClassMarker and recording IP addresses.


  1. Language:
    • Select the language from the drop-down list, to display the Test-taker interface and as well all test buttons, etc that the test-taker would see when taking the test, in that language
    • Questions and feedback will be in the language you entered them in
  2. Require ID:
    • Use this setting to send unique ids for each of your Test takers to be saved in ClassMarker against their Test results
    • May require a developer
    • Users will not be able to access the Test without a user ID, when this is selected
    • Checking the box 'One Attempt Only' will ensure each user is only taking the test one time. This setting will override the 'Attempts' setting
  3. IP Address:
    • Use to record Test taker's IP address
    • Will display on results you receive
    • Will display in exported results, when including selected answers


  1. Ability to translate Test-taker interfaces into desired language (Language)
  2. Track Test takers from your system by ID. (Require ID)
  3. Track where a user came from, on your website. (Require ID)
  4. IP addresses will allow you to see if user took Test in different locations. Great if they should only be taking their Test in a specific location. (IP Address)

Used With: Groups and Links