Test Questions, answers & feedback

Choose options for how to see Questions and Question information


How many Questions to display per page

Display allows you to select the number of questions that display per Test page and to show points and categories that questions are included in. These will display to the Test taker during their Test.


  1. Display questions:
    • Display the selected number of questions per Test page
    • Each page will display the same number of questions per page
  2. Points:
    • Will display point value for each question, during the Test
    • Can be turned on/off at anytime
  3. Categories:
    • Will display categories each question is included in, during the Test
    • Can be turned on/off at anytime


  1. For timed Tests, displaying points allow the user to focus on answering questions first that are of a higher point value
  2. Displaying categories will help users to understand the context of the questions
  3. Setting one question per page is great for those who have a hard time focusing - will keep focus on only that question

Used With: Groups and Links


Randomize Test Questions

Randomize will provide your fixed Test questions in a random order each time the Test is given.


  1. Give Questions in Random Order:
    • Turn on/off at anytime to switch between having questions randomized


  1. Harder for users to memorize which question is which
  2. Provides a 'fresh' attempt if giving multiple attempts
  3. Prevents users from copying from each other

Used With: Groups and Links


Control answer, feedback and re-answer options

Settings that are applied in 'Answers' are for what happens within the Test. Choose to make it mandatory that all questions are answered or that each one is answered correctly to move on. Allow users to go back to previous questions with 'Change Answers'. Enable 'Instant Review' to display question grading and feedback during the Test.


  1. Mandatory:
    • Check 'Must answer questions' to make it mandatory that users must answer all questions to continue on with their Test
    • Check 'Must answer correctly to continue' to make it mandatory that users must answer each question correctly to move on
    • With 'Must answer correctly to continue', if users answer incorrectly, the Test will be automatically stopped
  2. Instant Review:
    • Check 'Question Grading and Feedback during Test' to show corrections and custom feedback (if you have added any) to users during the Test
    • Check 'Reveal Correct Answers' to display correct answers after users have answered the question
    • The feedback during the Test will display to users, after a page of Test questions have been answered
  3. Change Answers:
    • Allows users to go back to review/change answers for previous questions


  1. Allows users to receive 100% if using 'Instant Review' and 'Change Answers'
  2. Ensure no answers are missed on a Test when using 'Must answer all questions'
  3. Must answer questions correctly will benefit those giving competition type quizzes - users get one incorrect, they are eliminated from the competition
  4. Allow users to skip questions by not checking an option under 'Mandatory'

Used With: Groups and Links