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Free Exam: Standards Benchmark Practice 2.1

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Number of Questions in Preview: 5
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Question 1
Read the selection below about a summer job. Then answer the questions that follow.

Stagecoach Driver in Yellowstone

1 My name is Brett, and I have the coolest job in the world. I drive a

stagecoach in Yellowstone National Park.

2 It is one of most beautiful parks in the United States. People from around

the world visit the park. It’s my job to show them the sights. Some folks want to

see the park from large coaches, and that’s where I am involved. I drive a large

coach and tell visitors about the trees, wildlife, and scenery in the park. I also

tell them about the park’s history and legends. I have to do a lot of studying to

get ready for my job, but I like it.

3 When a day on the trail is over, my job really begins. I’m responsible for

taking care of the horses each day. I feed them, give them water, and make

sure their stalls are clean. I also have to keep their corrals tidy. Every evening

I check the equipment to make sure it is in good shape. If something is broken,

it’s my job to make sure it is fixed or replaced.

4 Anyone can become a driver, but there are some rules. You have to be at

least nineteen years old and experienced with horses. Everyone has to pass a

first-aid class. Another test is something I call the “hay bale” test. Every driver

has to be strong enough to lift and carry 80 pounds. That’s about the weight of a

hay bale.

5 My job only lasts for the summer. I’ll go back to school in the fall. But next year I'll be back.

As a stagecoach driver, Brett is most like a _____________________.
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 2
Read the selection below about a summer job. Then answer the

questions that follow.

Stagecoach Driver in Yellowstone

1 My name is Brett, and I have the coolest job in the world. I drive a

stagecoach in Yellowstone National Park.

2 It is one of most beautiful parks in the United States. People from around

the world visit the park. It’s my job to show them the sights. Some folks want to

see the park from large coaches, and that’s where I am involved. I drive a large

coach and tell visitors about the trees, wildlife, and scenery in the park. I also

tell them about the park’s history and legends. I have to do a lot of studying to

get ready for my job, but I like it.

3 When a day on the trail is over, my job really begins. I’m responsible for

taking care of the horses each day. I feed them, give them water, and make

sure their stalls are clean. I also have to keep their corrals tidy. Every evening

I check the equipment to make sure it is in good shape. If something is broken,

it’s my job to make sure it is fixed or replaced.

4 Anyone can become a driver, but there are some rules. You have to be at

least nineteen years old and experienced with horses. Everyone has to pass a

first-aid class. Another test is something I call the “hay bale” test. Every driver

has to be strong enough to lift and carry 80 pounds. That’s about the weight of a

hay bale.

5 My job only lasts for the summer. I’ll go back to school in the fall. But next year I'll be back

When Brett says he has a lot of homework to do to get ready for his job, he is probably referring to ______________________
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 3
Read the selection below about a summer job. Then answer the

questions that follow.

Stagecoach Driver in Yellowstone

1 My name is Brett, and I have the coolest job in the world. I drive a

stagecoach in Yellowstone National Park.

2 It is one of most beautiful parks in the United States. People from around

the world visit the park. It’s my job to show them the sights. Some folks want to

see the park from large coaches, and that’s where I am involved. I drive a large

coach and tell visitors about the trees, wildlife, and scenery in the park. I also

tell them about the park’s history and legends. I have to do a lot of studying to

get ready for my job, but I like it.

3 When a day on the trail is over, my job really begins. I’m responsible for

taking care of the horses each day. I feed them, give them water, and make

sure their stalls are clean. I also have to keep their corrals tidy. Every evening

I check the equipment to make sure it is in good shape. If something is broken,

it’s my job to make sure it is fixed or replaced.

4 Anyone can become a driver, but there are some rules. You have to be at

least nineteen years old and experienced with horses. Everyone has to pass a

first-aid class. Another test is something I call the “hay bale” test. Every driver

has to be strong enough to lift and carry 80 pounds. That’s about the weight of a

hay bale.

5 My job only lasts for the summer. I’ll go back to school in the fall. But next year I'll be back.

Which words best show that Brett likes what he does?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 4
Read the selection below about a summer job. Then answer the

questions that follow.

Stagecoach Driver in Yellowstone

1 My name is Brett, and I have the coolest job in the world. I drive a

stagecoach in Yellowstone National Park.

2 It is one of most beautiful parks in the United States. People from around

the world visit the park. It’s my job to show them the sights. Some folks want to

see the park from large coaches, and that’s where I am involved. I drive a large

coach and tell visitors about the trees, wildlife, and scenery in the park. I also

tell them about the park’s history and legends. I have to do a lot of studying to

get ready for my job, but I like it.

3 When a day on the trail is over, my job really begins. I’m responsible for

taking care of the horses each day. I feed them, give them water, and make

sure their stalls are clean. I also have to keep their corrals tidy. Every evening

I check the equipment to make sure it is in good shape. If something is broken,

it’s my job to make sure it is fixed or replaced.

4 Anyone can become a driver, but there are some rules. You have to be at

least nineteen years old and experienced with horses. Everyone has to pass a

first-aid class. Another test is something I call the “hay bale” test. Every driver

has to be strong enough to lift and carry 80 pounds. That’s about the weight of a

hay bale.

5 My job only lasts for the summer. I’ll go back to school in the fall. But next year I'll be back.

Which part of the job does Brett consider to be the hardest?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 5
Read the selection below about a summer job. Then answer the

questions that follow.

Stagecoach Driver in Yellowstone

1 My name is Brett, and I have the coolest job in the world. I drive a

stagecoach in Yellowstone National Park.

2 It is one of most beautiful parks in the United States. People from around

the world visit the park. It’s my job to show them the sights. Some folks want to

see the park from large coaches, and that’s where I am involved. I drive a large

coach and tell visitors about the trees, wildlife, and scenery in the park. I also

tell them about the park’s history and legends. I have to do a lot of studying to

get ready for my job, but I like it.

3 When a day on the trail is over, my job really begins. I’m responsible for

taking care of the horses each day. I feed them, give them water, and make

sure their stalls are clean. I also have to keep their corrals tidy. Every evening

I check the equipment to make sure it is in good shape. If something is broken,

it’s my job to make sure it is fixed or replaced.

4 Anyone can become a driver, but there are some rules. You have to be at

least nineteen years old and experienced with horses. Everyone has to pass a

first-aid class. Another test is something I call the “hay bale” test. Every driver

has to be strong enough to lift and carry 80 pounds. That’s about the weight of a

hay bale.

5 My job only lasts for the summer. I’ll go back to school in the fall. But next year I'll be back.

How is the passage organized?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
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