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Free Exam: Standards Benchmark Practice 2.5

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Question 1
Read the selection below about Civil War spies. Then answer the

questions that follow.

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Sister Spies

1 During the Civil War, many women served as spies. One famous pair of

spies was the sisters Lottie and Ginnie Moon. They had been born in Virginia.

When they were young, the family moved to Ohio. Although they lived in a

Northern state, the girls and their father secretly supported the South when the

Civil War began.

2 Lottie had agreed to marry a Union officer. She soon changed her mind.

Later, she married a lawyer who was for the South. A group of people who were

loyal to the South met in their home. The group often gathered information to

help the South win the war. Once a secret message arrived that needed to go to

a Confederate officer in Kentucky. Lottie agreed to carry the message. She was

sure no one would suspect her.

3 She dressed as an older woman and said that she was going to visit her

dying husband in the hospital. Some soldiers helped Lottie get through to the

South. Then on the way home, a Union officer felt sorry for the old lady. He

helped her get back to Ohio safely.

4 The next time Lottie carried a message, she pretended to be a rich visitor

from England. She said she was going to Virginia for her health. On her way,

she stopped in Washington. There the Secretary of War questioned her. He

seemed to believe her story. Reports also say she went along with Abe Lincoln’s

party to review the troops. Everything she heard and saw, she could pass along

to the South.

5 Coming home, she was nearly caught. A Union officer insisted that a doctor

had to check her. Lottie groaned and faked her pains so well, that even the

doctor believed her story. She got back to her home with news for the group.

6 By now, her sister Ginnie wanted to help. Ginnie was in the South with her

mother. When she learned that messages needed to get to Ohio, she offered to

take them. She and her mother said that they were going north to visit

their family.

7 On their trip back, they carried supplies for the South. When officers

searched them, they found that Ginnie had on special clothes. Sewn inside, she

had medicines for the Confederate soldiers. Ginnie and her mother were kept as

prisoners in a hotel for a while.

8 Lottie came to the hotel to help them. She had dressed up as an old woman

again. But the officer who had almost married Lottie recognized her. He made

her a prisoner in the hotel, too. Later they were all set free without a trial. Many

people think the officer saved their lives.

What caused the officer who almost married Lottie to make her a prisoner?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 2
6 By now, her sister Ginnie wanted to help. Ginnie was in the South with her

mother. When she learned that messages needed to get to Ohio, she offered to

take them. She and her mother said that they were going north to visit

their family.

7 On their trip back, they carried supplies for the South. When officers

searched them, they found that Ginnie had on special clothes. Sewn inside, she

had medicines for the Confederate soldiers. Ginnie and her mother were kept as

prisoners in a hotel for a while.

8 Lottie came to the hotel to help them. She had dressed up as an old woman

again. But the officer who had almost married Lottie recognized her. He made

her a prisoner in the hotel, too. Later they were all set free without a trial. Many

people think the officer saved their lives.

Which of these is a fact from the passage?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 3
6 By now, her sister Ginnie wanted to help. Ginnie was in the South with her

mother. When she learned that messages needed to get to Ohio, she offered to

take them. She and her mother said that they were going north to visit

their family.

7 On their trip back, they carried supplies for the South. When officers

searched them, they found that Ginnie had on special clothes. Sewn inside, she

had medicines for the Confederate soldiers. Ginnie and her mother were kept as

prisoners in a hotel for a while.

8 Lottie came to the hotel to help them. She had dressed up as an old woman

again. But the officer who had almost married Lottie recognized her. He made

her a prisoner in the hotel, too. Later they were all set free without a trial. Many

people think the officer saved their lives.

What caused Ginnie to wear special clothes when she went South?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 4
6 By now, her sister Ginnie wanted to help. Ginnie was in the South with her

mother. When she learned that messages needed to get to Ohio, she offered to

take them. She and her mother said that they were going north to visit

their family.

7 On their trip back, they carried supplies for the South. When officers

searched them, they found that Ginnie had on special clothes. Sewn inside, she

had medicines for the Confederate soldiers. Ginnie and her mother were kept as

prisoners in a hotel for a while.

8 Lottie came to the hotel to help them. She had dressed up as an old woman

again. But the officer who had almost married Lottie recognized her. He made

her a prisoner in the hotel, too. Later they were all set free without a trial. Many

people think the officer saved their lives.

What caused Lottie to believe that she could get messages to the South?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 5
6 By now, her sister Ginnie wanted to help. Ginnie was in the South with her

mother. When she learned that messages needed to get to Ohio, she offered to

take them. She and her mother said that they were going north to visit

their family.

7 On their trip back, they carried supplies for the South. When officers

searched them, they found that Ginnie had on special clothes. Sewn inside, she

had medicines for the Confederate soldiers. Ginnie and her mother were kept as

prisoners in a hotel for a while.

8 Lottie came to the hotel to help them. She had dressed up as an old woman

again. But the officer who had almost married Lottie recognized her. He made

her a prisoner in the hotel, too. Later they were all set free without a trial. Many

people think the officer saved their lives.

Which of these is an opinion from the passage?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
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