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Free Exam: Unit 2 Week 2

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Question 1
Garrett Morgan, Inventor

1 Garrett A. Morgan was born in Kentucky in 1877. His

parents were former slaves. As a young man, he moved to

Cleveland, Ohio. Morgan was very good with tools and

machines. He got a job repairing sewing machines. A few

years later, he opened his own repair shop. He would also

eventually start a newspaper.

2 In 1912, the city of Cleveland was facing a big problem.

There were many terrible fires in its factories. Fires would

consume entire buildings. The people who fought these

fires often got hurt. Sometimes, they were killed by gas and

smoke. They needed something that would keep them safe.

3 Morgan wanted to help the city’s firefighters. In 1914,

he created a device to protect them. He called it the Morgan

safety hood and smoke protector. The hood was worn over the

face. Two tubes ran down the back. They led to an air trap of

clean air below. The safety hood allowed firefighters to stay

in smoke-filled rooms longer. And there were fewer chances

that they would be hurt.

4 Two years later, Morgan had a chance to put his invention

to a big test. On July 25, 1916, Cleveland was rocked by

an explosion. The explosion trapped 32 workers in a tunnel

under Lake Erie. Garrett Morgan was called to help. Morgan,

his brother, Frank, and two other men put on safety hoods and

went into the tunnel. They brought out all the workers who

were still alive.

5 After the rescue of the tunnel workers, fire departments

all over the country wanted to buy Morgan’s mask. People realized that the mask was very good. Morgan received

medals from the city of Cleveland and the International

Association of Fire Engineers.

6 Morgan made improvements to his safety hood in 1917.

The hood was sometimes called a “gas mask.” The Morgan

safety hood was used by the U.S. Army during World War I.

7 In 1923, Garrett Morgan made something else to help

make the world safer. While driving his car through the

streets of Cleveland on the way to work, he saw that drivers

were confused. They did not always know when to stop and

when to go. One day, Morgan gaped with his mouth wide

open as he saw an accident between a horse-driven carriage

and a car. He started thinking. How could he make driving

safer? Morgan invented the first electric traffic signal. His

invention had three signals. One was stop, and one was go.

The other signal stopped all traffic so people could safely

cross the street. Thanks to Garrett Morgan, there were soon

fewer accidents on the road. Just think how different our

roads would be without Garrett’s invention! Garrett Morgan

helped make our lives safer in so many great ways!

Read these sentences from the passage: One day, Morgan [u]gaped[/u] with his mouth open as he saw an accident between a horse-drawn carriage and a car.

Which words help you figure out what [u]gaped[/u] means?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 2
Garrett Morgan, Inventor

1 Garrett A. Morgan was born in Kentucky in 1877. His

parents were former slaves. As a young man, he moved to

Cleveland, Ohio. Morgan was very good with tools and

machines. He got a job repairing sewing machines. A few

years later, he opened his own repair shop. He would also

eventually start a newspaper.

2 In 1912, the city of Cleveland was facing a big problem.

There were many terrible fires in its factories. Fires would

consume entire buildings. The people who fought these

fires often got hurt. Sometimes, they were killed by gas and

smoke. They needed something that would keep them safe.

3 Morgan wanted to help the city’s firefighters. In 1914,

he created a device to protect them. He called it the Morgan

safety hood and smoke protector. The hood was worn over the

face. Two tubes ran down the back. They led to an air trap of

clean air below. The safety hood allowed firefighters to stay

in smoke-filled rooms longer. And there were fewer chances

that they would be hurt.

4 Two years later, Morgan had a chance to put his invention

to a big test. On July 25, 1916, Cleveland was rocked by

an explosion. The explosion trapped 32 workers in a tunnel

under Lake Erie. Garrett Morgan was called to help. Morgan,

his brother, Frank, and two other men put on safety hoods and

went into the tunnel. They brought out all the workers who

were still alive.

5 After the rescue of the tunnel workers, fire departments

all over the country wanted to buy Morgan’s mask. People realized that the mask was very good. Morgan received

medals from the city of Cleveland and the International

Association of Fire Engineers.

6 Morgan made improvements to his safety hood in 1917.

The hood was sometimes called a “gas mask.” The Morgan

safety hood was used by the U.S. Army during World War I.

7 In 1923, Garrett Morgan made something else to help

make the world safer. While driving his car through the

streets of Cleveland on the way to work, he saw that drivers

were confused. They did not always know when to stop and

when to go. One day, Morgan gaped with his mouth wide

open as he saw an accident between a horse-driven carriage

and a car. He started thinking. How could he make driving

safer? Morgan invented the first electric traffic signal. His

invention had three signals. One was stop, and one was go.

The other signal stopped all traffic so people could safely

cross the street. Thanks to Garrett Morgan, there were soon

fewer accidents on the road. Just think how different our

roads would be without Garrett’s invention! Garrett Morgan

helped make our lives safer in so many great ways!

The author includes paragraph 5 of the passage to ________________
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 3
Garrett Morgan, Inventor

1 Garrett A. Morgan was born in Kentucky in 1877. His

parents were former slaves. As a young man, he moved to

Cleveland, Ohio. Morgan was very good with tools and

machines. He got a job repairing sewing machines. A few

years later, he opened his own repair shop. He would also

eventually start a newspaper.

2 In 1912, the city of Cleveland was facing a big problem.

There were many terrible fires in its factories. Fires would

consume entire buildings. The people who fought these

fires often got hurt. Sometimes, they were killed by gas and

smoke. They needed something that would keep them safe.

3 Morgan wanted to help the city’s firefighters. In 1914,

he created a device to protect them. He called it the Morgan

safety hood and smoke protector. The hood was worn over the

face. Two tubes ran down the back. They led to an air trap of

clean air below. The safety hood allowed firefighters to stay

in smoke-filled rooms longer. And there were fewer chances

that they would be hurt.

4 Two years later, Morgan had a chance to put his invention

to a big test. On July 25, 1916, Cleveland was rocked by

an explosion. The explosion trapped 32 workers in a tunnel

under Lake Erie. Garrett Morgan was called to help. Morgan,

his brother, Frank, and two other men put on safety hoods and

went into the tunnel. They brought out all the workers who

were still alive.

5 After the rescue of the tunnel workers, fire departments

all over the country wanted to buy Morgan’s mask. People realized that the mask was very good. Morgan received

medals from the city of Cleveland and the International

Association of Fire Engineers.

6 Morgan made improvements to his safety hood in 1917.

The hood was sometimes called a “gas mask.” The Morgan

safety hood was used by the U.S. Army during World War I.

7 In 1923, Garrett Morgan made something else to help

make the world safer. While driving his car through the

streets of Cleveland on the way to work, he saw that drivers

were confused. They did not always know when to stop and

when to go. One day, Morgan gaped with his mouth wide

open as he saw an accident between a horse-driven carriage

and a car. He started thinking. How could he make driving

safer? Morgan invented the first electric traffic signal. His

invention had three signals. One was stop, and one was go.

The other signal stopped all traffic so people could safely

cross the street. Thanks to Garrett Morgan, there were soon

fewer accidents on the road. Just think how different our

roads would be without Garrett’s invention! Garrett Morgan

helped make our lives safer in so many great ways!

The author's purpose for writing "Garrett Morgan, Inventor" was mainly to __________
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 4
What’s Next?

1 People have been inventing things for thousands of years.

A whirlwind of inventions has become part of our daily

lives. Some of them are extremely useful. Others might

be considered hilarious. The silly inventions often don’t

get much attention. The really useful ones can make a big

difference in the way we live.

2 Thinking about all these inventions can make a person feel

dizzy. We are also aware of just how much inventions change

our lives. Can you imagine what your life would be like

without electric lights, television, computers, or automobiles?

These things give us a great deal of independence, yet we

hardly ever think about what life would be like without them.

Believe it or not, there was actually a time when none of these

things existed! There are many other important inventions

that have helped us to live, grow and survive.

The Wheel

3 Before the wheel was invented, people had to carry loads

on their backs. They also had to drag heavy things behind

them. With the wheel, people were able to build carts and

wagons. This helped them move heavy things much more

easily. It also helped them move larger loads.

The Seed Drill

4 In the olden days, farmers planted seeds by simply throwing

them on the ground. This wasted a lot of seeds. Then the seed

drill finally came along to solve this problem. Farmers could

make straight rows of holes in the ground. Then they could drop

seeds into these holes. Farmers used fewer seeds. And they had more control over where they planted crops. This helped them

grow more crops, even when resources were scant. More crops

meant more food for people.

The Hand Crank

5 The first cars had to be started using a hand crank. But this

crank was sometimes hard to turn. It was not easy to use in

rain and cold weather. Charles Kettering was convinced that

there had to be a better way. He invented the electric selfstarter.

This invention made it possible for people to start a

car’s engine by pushing a button.

The Lightning Rod

6 While flying a kite during a storm, Ben Franklin discovered

that lightning conducts electricity. This little bit of creative

mischief led him to invent the lightning rod. Before his

invention, people had problems protecting their homes from

lightning damage. The lightning rod helped protect buildings

and ships from lightning damage. It has saved a lot of property

from being destroyed. More important, it has saved many lives.

7 We welcome inventions that make our lives safer, better,

and easier. Even silly inventions have their place. Think about

how far all our inventions have brought us. Can you imagine

the exciting things that might be next?

Read this sentence from the passage: This helped them grow more crops, even when resources were [u]scant[/u].

What word means about the same as [u]scant[/u]?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
Question 5
What’s Next?

1 People have been inventing things for thousands of years.

A whirlwind of inventions has become part of our daily

lives. Some of them are extremely useful. Others might

be considered hilarious. The silly inventions often don’t

get much attention. The really useful ones can make a big

difference in the way we live.

2 Thinking about all these inventions can make a person feel

dizzy. We are also aware of just how much inventions change

our lives. Can you imagine what your life would be like

without electric lights, television, computers, or automobiles?

These things give us a great deal of independence, yet we

hardly ever think about what life would be like without them.

Believe it or not, there was actually a time when none of these

things existed! There are many other important inventions

that have helped us to live, grow and survive.

The Wheel

3 Before the wheel was invented, people had to carry loads

on their backs. They also had to drag heavy things behind

them. With the wheel, people were able to build carts and

wagons. This helped them move heavy things much more

easily. It also helped them move larger loads.

The Seed Drill

4 In the olden days, farmers planted seeds by simply throwing

them on the ground. This wasted a lot of seeds. Then the seed

drill finally came along to solve this problem. Farmers could

make straight rows of holes in the ground. Then they could drop

seeds into these holes. Farmers used fewer seeds. And they had more control over where they planted crops. This helped them

grow more crops, even when resources were scant. More crops

meant more food for people.

The Hand Crank

5 The first cars had to be started using a hand crank. But this

crank was sometimes hard to turn. It was not easy to use in

rain and cold weather. Charles Kettering was convinced that

there had to be a better way. He invented the electric selfstarter.

This invention made it possible for people to start a

car’s engine by pushing a button.

The Lightning Rod

6 While flying a kite during a storm, Ben Franklin discovered

that lightning conducts electricity. This little bit of creative

mischief led him to invent the lightning rod. Before his

invention, people had problems protecting their homes from

lightning damage. The lightning rod helped protect buildings

and ships from lightning damage. It has saved a lot of property

from being destroyed. More important, it has saved many lives.

7 We welcome inventions that make our lives safer, better,

and easier. Even silly inventions have their place. Think about

how far all our inventions have brought us. Can you imagine

the exciting things that might be next?

Why did the author include section headings in this passage?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
Randomize answers: Yes
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