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Free Exam: Research Writing Objective Exam

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Question 1

Have you ever wondered why so many students at Oak Grove High School are sluggish and lethargic?  Are they just lazy and unmotivated? No, most of them probably suffer from lack of sleep, caused by biological clocks that are set to a different schedule than their classes. Oak Grove administrators must understand that teenagers have a physiological need to stay up later and sleep longer than pre-adolescents, yet the daily schedule of the school runs oblivious to this. High school students suffer academic set backs, an inability to focus, and a wide range of adverse effects due to the school start time being so early. 

[color=#008080]Indicate which format has been utilized for the hook statement. [/color]
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 3
Randomize answers: No
Question 2

Have you ever wondered why so many students at Oak Grove High School are sluggish and lethargic?  Are they just lazy and unmotivated? No, most of them probably suffer from lack of sleep, caused by biological clocks that are set to a different schedule than their classes. Oak Grove administrators must understand that teenagers have a physiological need to stay up later and sleep longer than pre-adolescents, yet the daily schedule of the school runs oblivious to this. High school students suffer academic set backs, an inability to focus, and a wide range of adverse effects due to the school start time being so early. 

[color=#008080]Which best summarizes the argument being made by the author?[/color]
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 3
Randomize answers: No
Question 3

Have you ever wondered why so many students at Oak Grove High School are sluggish and lethargic?  Are they just lazy and unmotivated? No, most of them probably suffer from lack of sleep, caused by biological clocks that are set to a different schedule than their classes. Oak Grove administrators must understand that teenagers have a physiological need to stay up later and sleep longer than pre-adolescents, yet the daily schedule of the school runs oblivious to this. High school students suffer academic set backs, an inability to focus, and a wide range of adverse effects due to the school start time being so early. 

[color=#008080]What subtopics are presented in the claim statement? [/color]
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 3
Randomize answers: No
Question 4

Have you ever wondered why so many students at Oak Grove High School are sluggish and lethargic? Are they just lazy and unmotivated? No, most of them probably suffer from lack of sleep, caused by biological clocks that are set to a different schedule than their classes. Oak Grove administrators must understand that teenagers have a physiological need to stay up later and sleep longer than pre-adolescents, yet the daily schedule of the school runs oblivious to this. High school students suffer academic set backs, an inability to focus, and a wide range of adverse effects due to the school start time being so early. 

[color=#008080]What will be the most logical structure of the essay's body paragraphs as indicated by the introduction paragraph?[/color]
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 3
Randomize answers: No
Question 5

What is the most concise thesis statement?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 2
Randomize answers: No
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