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Free Exam: nature of science test d

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Question 1
In 1896, Henri Becquerel accidentally discovered that an ore containing uranium emitted radiation which exposed photographic plates left in complete darkness. His discovery, along with the discovery of X-rays a year earlier, prompted Marie and Pierre Curie to begin studying the ore, called pitchblende. Their work resulted in greater scientific understanding of this phenomenon. Which of the following discoveries was not part of the Curies' work?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 2
In the early 1900s, scientists became interested in the passing of traits throughout generations in a population. By 1950, the general belief in the scientific community was that protein was the genetic material. A critical experiment performed by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase in 1952, however, showed that another molecule was actually the genetic material. James Watson and Francis Crick built on this finding in 1953 by proposing a structure for this molecule, a diagram of which is shown below. What is the name of this molecule?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 3
Alfred Wegener first proposed the hypothesis of continental drift in 1912. At that time, Wegener could not explain the cause of continental movement, which resulted in rejection of the hypothesis by the scientific community. In the 1960s, new evidence began to reverse this thinking. Which of these discoveries did not play a role in helping the hypothesis gain acceptance?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 4
Chemotherapy is used to treat many types of cancer. A researcher discovers that modifying treatment by altering the dosage of a group of drugs and incorporating radiation therapy increases the effectiveness in treating a particular type of cancer.

Read the information above. Which statement about this situation is false?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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Question 5
Chemotherapy is used to treat many types of cancer. A researcher discovers that modifying treatment by altering the dosage of a group of drugs and incorporating radiation therapy increases the effectiveness in treating a particular type of cancer.

Read the information above. Why is it important for other researchers to have access to these findings?
Type: Multiple choice
Points: 1
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