How to Export Quiz Answers

Mon 27th May 2019

Test taking is of course important for Students, however, the most important part of the Test process for those giving the Tests, is the ability to receive results, and to then analyze the data received.

When you export quiz results, there may be times that you only require the score/percentage and other times where you may require more advanced details such as questions and answers for all those who took the Test.

With ClassMarker, you can export quiz answers, for all users who have taken your quiz. Exporting this data into one report will save time from having to view this in each user’s individual results pages.

Read more: How to Export Quiz Answers

GDPR Compliant Exam & Quiz Maker

Sat 4th May 2019

ClassMarker is a General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant exam and quiz maker.

Introduced in May, 2018, the goal of the GDPR is to protect individuals' privacy by requiring organizations are accountable for protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of personal or sensitive data.

Creating online quizzes with a GDPR compliant Quiz Maker Online will ensure your EU organization is compliant with EU laws.

Read more: GDPR Compliant Exam & Quiz Maker

Top 10 Lead Generation Ideas

Wed 24th Apr 2019

A relationship with your customers is important and one way to build this relationship, is by reaching out to your customers, to ensure that you are providing them with the products and services they want. In order to do this however, you need to get those customers to want to give you that information. A quiz with the right questions is not only great for allowing your users to give their feedback, it can also provide some entertainment if you get creative and it can educate users on your products and services. From this, you will be able to collect all of the information you need, including the gathering of email addresses which is a great way to increase your business leads.

Read more: Top 10 Lead Generation Ideas

Save Time Grading Exam Papers

Mon 15th Apr 2019

What is the most time consuming task when giving a Test? I bet 98% of people who are tasked with giving Tests just had one word instantly come to mind ‘grading’! If you thought this, you have obviously had to do this a time or 100, at least

Read more: Save Time Grading Exam Papers

Quiz Maker for NonProfits

Wed 3rd Apr 2019

Nonprofit organizations are an essential part of any community. And, just like Businesses and Educators that depend on using online Testing platforms to train and quiz customers, employees and students, NonProfits also rely on using these same tools within their organizations.

Non-profit organizations all over the world use ClassMarker's quiz maker for NonProfits.

What types of Tests are being conducted by our awesome non-profit users

Read more: Quiz Maker for NonProfits

Quiz Maker Tools for Online Training

Tue 26th Mar 2019

Giving Tests and Quizzes is a fantastic way to evaluate user skills, abilities, and knowledge. Whether you are a Business giving on-going training for staff or a school educating students, a quiz maker is a fundamental component to include in your online training resources.

Finding the right quiz maker tool for online training can however, be a difficult decision.

Read more: Quiz Maker Tools for Online Training

Restrict Quiz Attempts After Passing Exam

Sun 10th Feb 2019

When you set the number of attempts on a Test, there may be times you would like your users to use all of the attempts you allow or you may want to prevent quiz re-attempts after passing.
ClassMarker offers both of these options, when setting attempts.

All Attempts Taken:
If you set the number of attempts to 3 for example, and enable all attempts to be used, regardless if a user passes or fails, they can still take that Test to the number of attempts set.

PassMark Achieved:
If you have set a passmark and choose this option, once the user passes, they will have no further attempts. Those who fail would still be able to use their remaining attempts.

You can restrict the number of attempts after passing, when using Links to assign your Tests.

Read more: Restrict Quiz Attempts After Passing Exam

Create a Multiple Choice Survey Online

Wed 30th Jan 2019

Have you noticed that more times then not, on any receipt you get, regardless from where it's from, it has a survey at the bottom of it? It's generally a link to go to a website to complete their online survey. to provide them with your customer feedback. These usually include an incentive such as if you complete the survey, you are entered in a draw, receive a percentage off or perhaps buy one get one free. All we need to do is complete their quick online survey.

Read more: Create a Multiple Choice Survey Online

Compare Quiz Maker Tools in 2019

Tue 22nd Jan 2019

Are you new to online Testing? Are you starting off the new year with wanting to fully automate your current way of giving Tests to your employees or students? Or perhaps, you are looking to switch from your current online Testing provider.

ClassMarker has been a leading online Testing provider since 2006, and with a wealth of Testing experience, we thought what better way to start 2019 than to share what we believe to be the features that you should not go without, when choosing the best Quiz Maker Tool for 2019.

Read more: Compare Quiz Maker Tools in 2019

How to Embed exams in

Mon 24th Dec 2018

We are often asked, How to Embed exams in

If you haven't seen ClassMarker before, ClassMarker is a website that allows you to create your own custom quizzes to give online. is a website which allow you to create your own website using a simple DRAG and DROP interface with no HTML experience required.

You can use and embed your ClassMarker exams directly into your WIX website pages. This will allow your Test takers to take your exams without leaving your WIX website.

Read more: How to Embed exams in

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