Best Online Quiz Maker in 2020

Thu 2nd Jan 2020

It’s a new year and what better way to begin 2020, than with a way that will make your life easier! Do you currently create all of your Tests on paper or perhaps you’re looking to change your current online Testing platform?

Let us introduce to you - ClassMarker, the Best Online Quiz Maker in 2020!

What is ClassMarker? ClassMarker is an online Testing platform that has been around since 2006

Read more: Best Online Quiz Maker in 2020

Create Online Test with Timer

Tue 17th Dec 2019

There are so many features that are incorporated into online Tests that could have never been achieved so easily, with paper Tests. One feature that comes in very handy is a Test timer. When you create an online Test with timer, you no longer have to use a stop watch or keep checking the clock. With ClassMarker’s online Test platform, this is completed automatically. When the timer stops, so does the Test!

Advantages of a Test Timer

Read more: Create Online Test with Timer

Quiz Maker Computer Software

Thu 7th Nov 2019

Each person has their preference as to the type of device, operating system and browser they like to use. Regardless of which one you choose - one thing you hope for is that all of your favorite apps and programs work on your desired operating system. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, we have to go without while awaiting the day that, that one app is finally available! If these apps are for recreational use, we can generally afford to wait.

What happens, though, if it’s something that is a crucial part of your Business, such as Quiz maker computer software? Most companies and schools are not going to go out and replace an entire building with new devices and operating systems. They will, with hesitation, try to look for something else that runs on their existing systems.

Read more: Quiz Maker Computer Software

How to Create Effective Online Exams for Training

Thu 31st Oct 2019

Face it; anybody can put together a Test. Add some questions, a few answer options, and you now have something called a Test, Quiz, Exam, survey - depending on the content added.

Creating great Tests for training, however, requires thought. You want to make sure that the Test being given benefits both you in the results you get back and your users, for what they can get out of taking your Test.

Read more: How to Create Effective Online Exams for Training

Creating Randomized Quiz Questions

Thu 29th Aug 2019

Question arrangement in a quiz is a big deal! How do you organize your questions? Do you have all of the same questions always appear or rearrange these into a specific order? Do you have them randomize each time, or would you prefer to have questions pulled from a bank of questions? While we are unable to decide how you add your items, we can inform you of the available options ClassMarker offers, for question randomization. Let us assist you in determining how to add the main content into your Test - your questions

Read more: Creating Randomized Quiz Questions

Best Digital Quiz Tool 2019

Wed 21st Aug 2019

It's that time of year again! While some are enjoying the remaining days left of summer, others, such as Educators and Employers are busy preparing for a new school year. Teachers are preparing their course loads, learning materials and exams for the upcoming year, while Businesses may be looking for new hires after their summer interns have left to return to college or university.

Read more: Best Digital Quiz Tool 2019

How to Give Online Exams and Quizzes

Sat 3rd Aug 2019

You have just finished creating your first Test and adding all of the content you wish to include - all questions, maybe a Test introduction, some images, perhaps audio or video, documents (all things that you can do with ClassMarker)- everything you need to make your Test a success.

Now, comes the next part - how are you going to deliver online exams to your users? Do you want to have your users log in to an account each time they take their exam or would you prefer they simply have a Test link that they click on with no registration required? Perhaps you are creating a questionnaire and want to simply add a Link to a page on a blog or social media site? Do you want to brand your Tests or even embed them, right into your own web page where they can take their Test right there!

How to give access to online exams within ClassMarker:

Read more: How to Give Online Exams and Quizzes

Restricting Quiz Access by IP Address

Sun 21st Jul 2019

Are you looking for a Quiz Maker with Ip Restriction? Using IP restrictions to limit quiz access, offers the security and peace of mind you want, when giving your online Tests, Exams and Quizzes. IP restriction in online exams will limit the access to only the IPs you choose. This means, that only those users who are on approved IP addresses can gain access to your data.

With ClassMarker, you will be able to apply IP Address restrictions to

Read more: Restricting Quiz Access by IP Address

Quiz Maker for Anonymous Testing

Sat 15th Jun 2019

When giving online Tests and Quizzes, one important feature that is a must have, is the ability to create anonymous quizzes online. With ClassMarker, you can choose to NOT record names and email addresses of those taking the Tests, however you can still record the answers given.

Read more: Quiz Maker for Anonymous Testing

How To Add Demographic Questions to a Quiz

Thu 6th Jun 2019

So, you have just created a Test, Exam or Quiz that include all of the questions that you wish to Test your users on, however what about those questions that you want information for, but you do not want them included in the Test itself?

Questions that are not included within the Test are generally referred to as demographic questions. These are used to gather additional data from your users that are not part of that Test’s content.

Read more: How To Add Demographic Questions to a Quiz

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