7 Reasons to Use an Online Quiz Maker

Mon 14th Feb 2022

Why use an online quiz maker?

You should use an online quiz maker for the convenience, accuracy and time it is going to save you and that of your Test takers. We've put together our top 7 reasons to use ClassMarker's online quiz maker.

1. Secure and Private Testing

Security and privacy is ClassMarker's top priority! While all parts of the Testing process are just as important, Testing would not be successful without ensuring that your Tests are secure and private.

Read more: 7 Reasons to Use an Online Quiz Maker

Grading Essay Questions Fast

Mon 24th Jan 2022

Grading essay questions with ClassMarker has just gotten a whole lot easier!

All question types in ClassMarker's online quiz maker are graded automatically, except for essay questions. Essay questions require manual grading, but no worries because it's a pretty simple process

Read more: Grading Essay Questions Fast

LMS Quiz Maker for Business & Education

Tue 4th Jan 2022

LMS, otherwise known as 'Learning Management Solution', is used for administering, tracking, and reporting for both Education and Business purposes. The ClassMarker LMS does just that

Read more: LMS Quiz Maker for Business & Education

Create an Online Quiz in 2022

Tue 21st Dec 2021

Are you beginning to look at getting some new Tests ready for 2022?

If you are wanting to create an online quiz, there are many options for conducting your quizzes online.

Read more: Create an Online Quiz in 2022

Creating Difficulty Levels for a Quiz

Mon 29th Nov 2021

Question: How Do I Create Difficulty Levels for my Quiz Questions?

Answer: When you create your own quiz with ClassMarker, creating questions with different difficulty levels is pretty easy! You do this by making categories within your question bank, to add your questions in. Let's have a look at how this is done

Read more: Creating Difficulty Levels for a Quiz

How to Create an Essay Quiz Question

Fri 12th Nov 2021

Essay questions, also known as open-ended questions, subjective or long answer questions, are used for Test-takers to enter their answers using their own words.

ClassMarker's quiz maker includes a variety of different question types, including essay questions to create Tests, assessments, exams, quizzes, surveys and questionnaires.

Read more: How to Create an Essay Quiz Question

Add Random Questions to a Quiz

Tue 12th Oct 2021

When you choose to add randomly selected questions, you can create Tests instantly! Using random questions will make a different Test each time the Test is taken.

Read more: Add Random Questions to a Quiz

Add Questions to Quiz from Question Bank

Mon 27th Sep 2021

The question bank is a crucial part of any Testing platform. With ClassMarker's quiz maker, the question bank is where all of your questions are stored.

There are two options for adding questions from the question bank. You can add fixed questions that always display or you can pull random questions from the question bank

Read more: Add Questions to Quiz from Question Bank

Adding Questions Directly to a Quiz

Tue 21st Sep 2021

It takes different elements to make up a great quiz. These elements can include Test settings, how you give a Test to your users, if you apply a certificate, how you display results, and much more.

One must-have for your Tests are the questions, of course

Read more: Adding Questions Directly to a Quiz

How to Create Homework Quizzes

Thu 9th Sep 2021

It's that time of year again! Whether students are going back to in-school learning or continuing with remote at-home education, we are back at school! There is one thing that is constant with both, and that is homework!

ClassMarker offers an engaging online quiz platform that is chalked full of options to meet your back-to-school Testing needs

Read more: How to Create Homework Quizzes

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