
Displaying Real Time Quiz Results with Feedback

Sat 24th Jun 2017

Once you have created your online Test, the next step is deciding what to display on the results pages that will show to your Test takers.

Read more: Displaying Real Time Quiz Results with Feedback

How to Export Quiz Results

Sun 21st May 2017

Export all Test results for a specific Group or Link, or select the data you want to export with filters such as, Dates, Status and Score, Duration and more. Export detailed test results with all selected answers. ClassMarker also offers the option for exporting exam results across multiple groups or links at one time.

Read more: How to Export Quiz Results

How to Create Online Quiz in WordPress

Mon 6th Feb 2017

Previously, we had talked about how to make your own online Quiz for Google Sites. Well, it's just as easy with ClassMarker to create online quizzes for WordPress.

When creating online Quizzes for WordPress, you would use ClassMarker's Links option to assign the Quiz.

Read more: How to Create Online Quiz in WordPress

Creating Matching Question Types

Sat 28th Jan 2017

Matching type questions have arrived!

ClassMarker offers a variety of question types to assist with creating your online exams, such as multiple choice, multiple response, true/false, free text (short answer), punctuation (grammar) and essay (long answer), and our newest addition - matching questions.

ClassMarker Quiz Maker

With ClassMarker's online Quiz Tool, we have implemented our matching questions to enable you to not only add text, but to also embed images and multimedia, such as audio and video, to both the left and right sides of the match. This provides the flexibility to be even more inventive when creating matching question types in online quizzes.

Read more: Creating Matching Question Types

How to Embed Online Quizzes in Google Sites

Mon 16th Jan 2017

Have a Google Site that you would like to embed your ClassMarker Tests into? Once you have created your Quizzes using ClassMarker's Online Quiz Maker Tool, embedding these into your Google Site is a very simple process. With just a few clicks, you will have your Quizzes embedded into your Google Site web pages.

When you create online Quizzes for Google Sites, with ClassMarker, this will require that you use Links to assign your Tests and copy an embed code and paste this into your Google Site page.

Read more: How to Embed Online Quizzes in Google Sites

How to Create Online Quiz for Google Sites

Tue 10th Jan 2017

You can easily Create and Embed online exam in Google sites and have results graded instantly using

With ClassMarker, there are two ways to assign Tests, via Groups or Links.

Groups allow for Test-takers to be registered and provided with an account where they would access their Tests and see previous Tests/results.

Links allow for Quizzes to be given via a link that can be sent to an email address, a direct link that can be pasted into a web page or a link that you can embed into your website. Users taking Quizzes via this method are considered to be non-registered.

While both options have their benefits, Links will provide you with the option to add your Quizzes directly into your web pages. This would be the option you would choose if you were to Create online Quizzes for Google Sites.

ClassMarker allows for easy embedding of your Quizzes. If you can copy and paste, you can embed a ClassMarker Test into your Google Site.

Read more: How to Create Online Quiz for Google Sites

Quiz Maker Tool with Save and Resume Later

Thu 29th Dec 2016

Things happen in life, emergencies come up, interruptions are a given at times, computers crash, internet connections are not always at 100% - life happens and sometimes you just need to 'pause' what you are doing in order to tend to something else.

Tests are very important, a lot of time is spent studying for Tests and depending on the length of the Test, a lot of time is also spent taking the Test itself. Nobody wants to take the time to get into a Test only to leave it due to circumstances unseen and not be able to go back to it.

Read more: Quiz Maker Tool with Save and Resume Later

Create Content Rich Online Tests

Sat 10th Dec 2016

A huge part of the Test creation process is, of course, adding your questions and answers, however, adding content to your Tests can create a whole new experience for your Test-takers. Using visual aids such as images and video can help a user get a better understanding of what they are learning.

Read more: Create Content Rich Online Tests

Study Tips for Taking Computer Based Exams

Mon 22nd Aug 2016

ClassMarker is used by both businesses and educators alike, and studying for an exam is no different, be it a student in school or an employee at work.

Previously, back in the days of using pen and paper, the helpful tips would have included things such as make sure you have a working pen or that your pencil is sharpened. Remember those days? Now with online exams being the norm, the tips include things such as making sure your browser is up to date, your battery is charged, etc.

We've put together a few helpful tips for those of you that will be taking an online electronic assessment, also known as an e-assessment.

Read more: Study Tips for Taking Computer Based Exams

Employee Education Programs

Thu 14th Jul 2016

Do you have an Employee Education Program set up for your staff?

Having a customized employee education program can be a huge benefit to your company. Continual employee training for staff can mean:

Read more: Employee Education Programs

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