
ClassMarker's New Custom Certificates

Tue 21st Feb 2012

We're really excited to announce the launch of our new Certificates page. Creating and assigning your tests online has never been easier with ClassMarker's quiz maker.

You can now choose from our selection of great new background designs - these can be used with both existing or new certificates.

Read more: ClassMarker's New Custom Certificates

The benefits of online testing

Fri 10th Feb 2012

Moving assessments online may seem a daunting task, however the benefits online testing provides should be a good motivator for most teachers and instructors. From being able to create banks of questions and tests, to instant calculation and analysis of results, to flexible delivery methods and enriched test material with the ability to add online links, documents, images and videos, the advantages are obvious.

Read more: The benefits of online testing

Analyze learning patterns with online testing

Tue 31st Jan 2012

One of the most efficient ways of analyzing learning patterns is to implement regular online testing. Whether your learners are students, colleagues or clients, regular testing will provide both you and your learners with invaluable feedback on how well they are grasping the subject material.

ClassMarker provides an easy-to-use yet sophisticated online testing solution that will make your life easier. Save time by creating, assigning and analyzing your tests online.

Read more: Analyze learning patterns with online testing

ClassMarker's flexibile online testing system

Mon 16th Jan 2012

A common problem for many test creators is figuring out how they can save time by utilizing different distribution methods for their online tests.

ClassMarker provides a flexible interface where each web-based test can be assigned, or distributed, in any number of different ways. The assign-settings (that is, the settings you define when you distribute your test) are fully customizable and provide control over test features such as when the test will be available, how many attempts users can have, whether you'd like to password-protect your test, what the pass mark for the test will be, plus many more.

Read more: ClassMarker's flexibile online testing system

Private online testing with ClassMarker

Thu 29th Dec 2011

Do you have online tests you'd like to keep private, others that you'd like to share with colleagues, and perhaps even a few tests that you'd like to share with the ClassMarker community? By creating and storing your tests and questions on ClassMarker you are easily able to decide which of your web based exams should be kept private, and which can be shared.

Read more: Private online testing with ClassMarker

ClassMarker launches new video tutorials

Thu 15th Dec 2011

ClassMarker has recently launched two new video tutorials to help our customers create and assign online tests. Learn how easy it is to get setup for web based exams in just a few minutes.

Create unlimited tests, questions, files, certificates and more.

Read more: ClassMarker launches new video tutorials

ClassMarker Wins National Web Award 2014 and 2011

Thu 15th Dec 2011

The ClassMarker Team are always hard at work to make sure our customers are happy and satisfied. We are constantly striving to be the best in the field of online testing, and we like to make sure our web based quiz maker runs efficiently and is easily accessible for all.

After all this hard work we were ecstatic when ClassMarker won not one but two awards in this year's National Web Awards.

Read more: ClassMarker Wins National Web Award 2014 and 2011

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